Friday, June 10, 2011

World champ is a knock out with Habitat for Humanity

The best boxer in the world is supporting Habitat for Humanity. WBO welterweight Super Champion and currently rated the world’s number one pound-for-pound boxer Manny ‘Pacman’ Pacquiao has been named a Habitat Hero Ambassador for HFH Philippines. The honor was unveiled at a private dinner hosted by Fernando Zobel de Ayala, a member of the Habitat for Humanity International board. Pacquiao, who has won ten world titles at eight different weights, is also a congressman representing Saranggani province on Mindanao island in the southern Philippines. He considered poverty to be an even greater opponent to those whom he faced in the boxing ring. Pacquiao’s first gesture of support was to donate a 3.5 hectare plot of land in Saranggani which will enable 200 to 250 homes to be built. Read more about Manny and the dinner. 

Story from Habitat for Humanity International 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Are you sitting in the heat?

From our friends at Paterson Education Fund:

How hot is it in your office? I bet you didn't start with day with 86+ temperatures in your room with no air conditioning! But thousands of NJ's children are sitting in air conditioned classrooms today. And even releasing them early won't undo the damage to asthma sufferers or children with other vulnerable conditions.

We spend a lot of time in NJ talking about our 21st century high standards for education. Our kids have to try to meet the standards in 19th century factory conditions. 

Tell our govenor and your legislators to get serious about school construction. And post your office temperatures at 10 and noon to PEF's Facebok Page. We'll share.

Sitting cool, but the kids are not.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Use your birthday to change the world!

We all get things we don’t need for our birthdays, why not use this special occasion to raise money for a cause you really care about? This feature allows any Facebook user to create a Birthday Wish and ask their friends to donate to the cause of their choice as a birthday present.

Cause will walk you through really simple steps to create your wish and promote it to your family and friends.

Get started on your wish:

  • Make it personal – pick a cause that is meaningful to you and reflects your interests. Your friends will feel more invested in supporting your cause if they know why it means something to you.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask. Your friends can’t donate to your birthday wish unless they know about it! Use our tools to send emails and set status messages, but don’t forget to talk to your friends about it, post the link everywhere you can think of, and get the word out.
  • Say thank you! Don’t forget to thank your friends who donate; we’ll let you know who donated and remind you to thank them. A personalized heartfelt thank you means a lot.
  • Tweet about it! Shout about it! Planning an event or birthday party? Include a link to your wish in the invite.
Check out our Causes page here: